Scientific Research Communications: Announcements
<p>Scientific Research Communications (SRC) is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal that aims to publish and disseminate original research articles in science, engineering and technology.</p> <p>SRC is a member of Crossref, an official Digital Object Identifier (DOI: <a href=""></a>) Registration Agency of the International DOI Foundation. Therefore, a DOI will be assigned to all articles published by our journal. Electronic ISSN of SRC is 2791-8742.</p> <p> </p>en-USOpen Access Policy
Scientific Research Communications2024-11-19About TR Dizin index
Scientific Research Communications2023-05-31Call for Papers for the 1st issue
<p><em> <strong>Scientific Research Communications</strong></em> <em>(SRC)</em> is an international peer-reviewed academic journal that aims to publish and disseminate original research articles in science, engineering and technology.</p> <p> SRC publishes theoretical and experimental high-quality papers of permanent interest, which aims to promote the theory and practice of technology and engineering. In addition to peer-reviewed original research papers, the Editorial Board welcomes original research reports, state-of-the-art reviews and communications. Subject areas suitable for publication include the following fields:</p> <p> Engineering, theoretical and applied sciences, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, nanotechnology, material science, architecture, urban planning and design, forestry, agriculture and aquaculture.</p> <p> SRC is published online biannually, uses double-blind peer review, and is freely available in open access electronic version. <strong>SRC does NOT charge authors article submission fees and it does not charge article processing/publishing fees either.</strong></p> <p> To submit your research and review the Author Guidelines, please visit:</p> <p>Submission deadline: February 15th, 2021</p> <p>Proposed publication date: April 1st, 2021</p> <p> </p> <p>Regards,</p> <p>Professor Mehmet Çevik</p> <p>Editor-in-Chief<br>Scientific Research Communications</p>Scientific Research Communications2020-12-31