Publication Ethics

Scientific Research Communications (SRC) adheres to the ethical publishing standards established by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and the Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE). In scholarly publications, it is crucial to provide a comprehensive and enduring account of research endeavors. Given that publications serve as the foundation for further investigations and the practical application of findings, they possess the potential to impact not only the research community but also society as a whole, albeit indirectly. Hence, researchers bear the responsibility of ensuring that their publications exhibit honesty, clarity, accuracy, completeness, and balance while avoiding any misleading, selective, or ambiguous reporting. Furthermore, journal editors have a duty to uphold the integrity of the research literature, as outlined in the accompanying guidelines.

In alignment with these principles, SRC is fully committed to fostering openness, transparency, and the ability to reproduce research findings within the articles we publish.    


Authors are required to ensure the following:

  • The content of their work is original. This journal utilizes mechanisms to identify instances of overlapping and similar text in submitted manuscripts.
  • The work has not been previously published elsewhere and is exclusively submitted to this journal.
  • In cases where the material is sourced from other references (including the author's own previously published work), proper citation is provided, and appropriate permissions are obtained when necessary.
  • The work does not violate any rights of others, including privacy rights and intellectual property rights.
  • The data presented is truthful and has not been manipulated.
  • The data used is either the authors' own or has been used with permission and is properly attributed in their paper.
  • Any real or perceived conflicts of interest or competing interests are clearly disclosed upon submission of the paper, including any funding assistance received.
  • Authors comply with all research ethics guidelines relevant to their field, particularly when human or animal subjects are involved.
  • In the event of identifying material errors in their work, whether before or after publication, authors promptly inform the Editor and take necessary steps to rectify them.
  • Authorship of the paper accurately represents the contributions made, ensuring that all individuals credited as authors actively participated in the actual creation of the work and have provided consent for its publication.


Above all, authors are encouraged to prioritize transparency. For instance, if authors have doubts regarding the originality of their paper (such as potential duplicate publication), it is advised to inform the journal's editor accordingly.


Reviewers are entrusted with the following responsibilities:

  • Preserve the confidentiality of the review process, ensuring that the content of the manuscripts under review remains confidential.
  • Promptly inform the journal editor of any actual or potential conflicts of interest that may compromise the objectivity and fairness of their review. In such cases, reviewers should decline to conduct the review when appropriate.
  • Carry out their review in a fair and unbiased manner, providing an objective evaluation of the manuscript based on its merits. Reviewers should refrain from personal biases or conflicts of interest that may influence their judgment.


Editors are entrusted with the following responsibilities:

  • Establish and uphold ethical policies consistently across their respective journals.
  • Take appropriate measures to enforce these policies in a fair and consistent manner when necessary.
  • Safeguard the confidentiality of the review process, ensuring that the content of the reviewed manuscripts remains confidential.
  • Demonstrate the utmost personal integrity in their role as editors, proactively identifying and planning for situations where they may have a competing interest or the appearance thereof.


For more detailed information, please consult the guidelines provided by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) at and the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) at