Watt Six-Bar Compliant Mechanism Analysis Based on Kinematic and Dynamic Responses
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compliant mechanism
pseudo-rigid-body model
large-deflection analysis
Elastica theory
Watt type mechanism

How to Cite

Uyulan, C., & Ipek, B. (2021). Watt Six-Bar Compliant Mechanism Analysis Based on Kinematic and Dynamic Responses. Scientific Research Communications, 1(1). https://doi.org/10.52460/src.2021.002


In this study, a complete guide to kinematic and kinetic analyses of a Watt type six-bar compliant mechanism is conducted incorporating the flexible buckling of the initially straight element. In the analysis procedure, the hybrid utilization of the pseudo-rigid-body model (PRBM) and the nonlinear elastic theory of beam buckling is presented. This partially compliant mechanism comprises three rigid links and two flexible links. The kinematic analyses of the mechanisms are done by using the vector loop closure equations, the PRBM of a large deflection cantilever beam, and derivation of nonlinear algebraic equations considering the quasi-static equilibrium and load-deflection curve of the flexible parts. Each of the elastic parts makes up a buckling pinned-pinned flexible Euler beam. The vector loop equations are combined with Newton-Euler dynamic formulations to provide the simultaneous constraint matrix. After these operations, the full mechanism is simulated to get both accelerations and forces for each time step. Finally, the design method is validated through experimental results. The findings derived from the combination of buckling elastica solution and PRBM approach enable the analysis of Watt's six-bar compliant mechanism.

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