Morphological Analysis of Ksar Tadjrouna in Laghouat, Algeria
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Morphological Analysis, Traditional Architecture, Ksar of Tadjrouna, Laghouat, Algeria.

How to Cite

Mahcar, I. (2024). Morphological Analysis of Ksar Tadjrouna in Laghouat, Algeria. Scientific Research Communications, 4(1).



 This study focuses on the morphological analysis of Ksar Tadjrouna in Laghouat, Algeria, recognizing the significance of preserving and enhancing the heritage of the region. Emphasizing the broader definition of heritage by UNESCO, the research extends beyond monuments to encompass the cores and historic districts of cities, reflecting cultural, architectural, and historical values. The study explores the traditional architectural form known as "ksar," prevalent in North African fortified villages. In the case of Ksar Tadjrouna, the morphological analysis reveals key characteristics, such as hierarchical plot systems, orthogonal street encounters, planar built structures with central courtyards, and a clear division between public and private spaces. The study identifies pathologies in the Ksar, including the use of heterogeneous materials and degradation issues, leading to a proposed intervention strategy. The proposed plan aims to protect Ksar Tadjrouna by addressing its morphological aspects and enhancing its tourist potential, catering to both national and international tourists through cultural tourism initiatives. The research concludes by emphasizing the importance of morphological analysis for understanding urban fabric changes over time and designing place-centered interventions that contribute to heritage conservation and community continuity. The ultimate goal is to secure the classification of Ksar Tadjrouna as a safeguarded sector, ensuring its preservation as a testament to a rich and distinctive civilization.
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